Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 22.12.2019 02:15 |
Mike Leblanc (mikejl) | 22.12.2019 02:15 |
Is it possible to have to sets of tension belt on a logging truck, One set for the grapple and one set for the bed of the truck to secure the logs? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 22.12.2019 02:30 |
The tension belt action key reacts on ALL tension belts. But you can fit each belt manually. |
Mike Leblanc (mikejl) | 22.12.2019 02:49 |
Well I can have one or the other working, What ever one that is listed higher in the XML works. How would you fit each belt manually? I can set up a configuration to pick one or the other in the store, but not both. |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 22.12.2019 05:12 |
Did you ever notice that you can handle each belt separately if you are on foot nearby? I didn't try yet, but perhaps one can use the group switching (TOGGLE_CONTROLGROUP). For other than default methods you'll need a custom script. |
Mike Leblanc (mikejl) | 22.12.2019 16:02 |
Group switching sounds like it would be the way to go, if I can figure that out. I see examples of that in the XML, but not sure how to make it work with the tension belts. |
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