Buying a placeable with a fixed location

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created17.01.2020 00:07

William Beard (willbobber) 17.01.2020 00:07
Hi all
I am looking for a way to make placeable animal pens that can be bought but want them to be locked to a fixed location on the map when bought.
I dont want the option of moving it around and finding a place.

Does anybody know how to do it??
I do seem to remember a map that did this but I cant think which map it was.

Any help will be greatly received.


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.01.2020 17:19
That's not provided by default. The intention is that the user places the objects after own wishes.

If you want an object with fixed position, include it in the defaultItems and make it buyable with the farmland (like eg. the BGA).

William Beard (willbobber) 17.01.2020 19:01
I have the building set like that at the moment but wanted to be able to buy it from the shop as an upgrade but still in the fixed location.

I'm sure I have used a map that had something bought from the shop that didnt give an option to be move, it was just placed in a set location.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.01.2020 20:11
At least the default 'placeable.lua' doesn't support a pre-defined position.
Must be a custom script then.

William Beard (willbobber) 17.01.2020 20:25
I will have to think of another way to get the result I want.
It was an idea to start off with some old small buildings that could be sold and upgraded for new larger buildings but in the same location.

I cant remember for the life of me what mod it was or on what map.

Cheers Bilbo

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