Community Forum

defaultItems problem

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created18.01.2020 20:53

Filip Cat (FilipPlayer54) 18.01.2020 20:53

I'm making a new map for Farming and ive got strange problem. When I've got map in folder (without packing in .zip) nothing matters while buildings are loading as items (animal husbandries, siloses etc.) But when i'll pack my map for .zip, there is errors like: Failed to find i3d file and much more. Just look at that.

Thats my defaultItems file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationM" className="SellingStationPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.xml" position="-754.976 112.412 -232.982" rotation="0 90 0" /> <!-- Zdzisiu -->
<item className="SiloPlaceable" id="10" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/silos/farmSiloSmall.xml" position="-53.737 68.3 -28.537" rotation="0 90 0" age="0" price="110000" farmId="1">
<storage index="1" farmId="1">
<node fillType="WHEAT" fillLevel="11841.000000"/>
<node fillType="BARLEY" fillLevel="14942.000000"/>
<node fillType="OAT" fillLevel="9499.000000"/>
<node fillType="CANOLA" fillLevel="14078.000000"/>
<node fillType="SUNFLOWER" fillLevel="11312.000000"/>
<node fillType="SOYBEAN" fillLevel="15409.000000"/>
<node fillType="MAIZE" fillLevel="15430.000000"/>
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationGrainSilo" className="SellingStationPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.xml" position="-244.445 68.626 588.883" rotation="0 90 0" /> <!-- Obora -->
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationVehicles" className="Workshop" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/sellingstationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.xml" position="-19.581 68.109 509.775" rotation="-180 0 -180" /> <!-- Sklep -->
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationWood" className="WoodSellStationPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.xml" position="608.901 39.658 -343.639" rotation="0 180 0" /> <!-- Tartak -->
<item className="AnimalHusbandry" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowkiDBL.xml" position="-688.744 76.576 439.392" rotation="180 -79.626 -180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1" />
<item className="Placeable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.xml" position="0 0 0" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1" defaultFarmProperty="true"/>
<item mapBoundId="sellingStationWood" className="SellingStationPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/Placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.xml" position="618.325 39.615 -385.577" rotation="0 90 0" /> <!-- Trociny -->

Earlier I had "$moddir$Mapname/maps/....", now i have "$mapdir$/maps..." and problem still exist.

Thats a log, when my map is on ordinary folder, without packing in zip:

2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.i3d (168.87 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/silos/malysilos.i3d (106.14 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.i3d (160.59 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/Placeables/sellingstationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (22.45 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.i3d (18.95 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowy.i3d (886.10 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.i3d (97.27 ms)
2020-01-18 20:44 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.i3d (33.16 ms)

As you can see, everything loads correctly.

But look now, when I will pack my map in .zip

2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/silos/malysilos.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/silos/malysilos.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SiloPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 20:48 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/Placeables/sellingstationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (0.16 ms)
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className WoodSellStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowy.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowy.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className Placeable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 20:48 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.i3d'
2020-01-18 20:48 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded

Map works correctly, but buildings from defaultItems, as you can see not.

Its really strange and i hope you will help me with this problem.


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.01.2020 21:05
Compare the directory structure of your source files (unpacked) with the .zip archive. There's obviously something wrong.
Also make sure, you don't have the map TWICE in your mod folder (packed and unpacked).

Filip Cat (FilipPlayer54) 18.01.2020 23:47
I've got no idea. I was comparing all files. Size of the files are the same. In normal folder everything works. I was trying to compress for zip in all of types, but when i'll pack it...

2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/sellingStationGeneric.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/silos/malysilos.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/silos/malysilos.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SiloPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/oborasilos.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 23:42 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/Placeables/sellingstationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (0.17 ms)
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Drzewo.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className WoodSellStationPlaceable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowy.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/zwierzeta/krowy/krowy.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/plotki/plotzlaki.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className Placeable could not be loaded
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: i3d 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.i3d' could not be found.
2020-01-18 23:42 Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Karnity/maps/placeables/sellingpoints/Trociny.i3d'
2020-01-18 23:42 Warning: corrupt savegame, item 8 with className SellingStationPlaceable could not be loaded

I think its simply and easy problem to solve, but these are the worst. ill try in the closest time to do something.

I am opened for your ideas.

Regards Filip

William Beard (willbobber) 19.01.2020 13:16
Try $mapdir$maps/placeables

Thomas A. (Unknown) 19.01.2020 15:06
Try $mapdir$maps/placeables how said Willbobber and you must indicate in moddesc in section storeItem too.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 19.01.2020 15:48
No - "$mapdir$/maps/placeables/.." is ok.
Other than using $moddir$ - then it must be "$moddir$modname/maps/placeables/..".

Make sure your GE/FS files are on local drives. DON'T use cloud storage like OneDrive or similar.

Filip Cat (FilipPlayer54) 19.01.2020 18:40
Guys, everything is good, when ive got my map in normal folder in mods. But when i'll pack my map for zip, there is errors about "failed to load i3d file". Thats why its really strange. I was comparing a lot of time files from normal folder, and from zip folder. Everything is in the same folder, with the same name, and with the same size. Thats because I dont know what can i do. Ill try to make it again, but firstable maybe i will try again with $moddir$mapname/maps...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 19.01.2020 20:11
Obviously there's something going wrong with the un-/packing.
Maybe you have packed (zipped) the map not properly. Be sure to zip the files INSIDE the map folder, NOT the map folder directly.
Can also happen that the 'unzipping' doesn't work for some reason. This is done in internal temporary folders. A pathname which contains characters of non-plain-ASCII or spaces inside might cause trouble.

Terry Morgan (Unknown) 20.01.2020 02:49
I cant type into the forums, so if you read this, i would like to see mods like the tri-bine mod put on ps4 and others,please.

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