LUA error, how can I fix it?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.02.2020 13:53

Draco Mancer (Unknown) 02.02.2020 13:53
Please someone could tell me what's the problem with my mod? Those errors occur when I change configurations in the shop, if I change tires, add frontloader those errors appear.

Warning (script): Unknown entity id 110390 in method 'setVisibility'.
2020-02-02 14:46 LUA call stack:
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (2247) : setVisibility
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (198) : loadAttacherJointFromXML
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (118) : asyncCallbackFunction
2020-02-02 14:46 Warning (script): 'link': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
2020-02-02 14:46 ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (882): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
2020-02-02 14:46 LUA call stack:
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (2243) : link
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (198) : loadAttacherJointFromXML
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (71) : asyncCallbackFunction
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (333) : loadSharedI3DFile
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (837) : load
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (620) : loadCurrentConfiguration
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (1422) : updateData
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/MultiTextOptionElement.lua (327) : raiseCallback
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (412) : raiseCallback
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/MultiTextOptionElement.lua (221) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (616) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (561) : mouseEvent
2020-02-02 14:46 dataS/scripts/main.lua (1767) : mouseEvent

Draco Mancer (Unknown) 02.02.2020 14:04
When I load the vehicle in the shop, this appears in the log first:

Warning (script): 'link': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
2020-02-02 14:59 ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (882): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
2020-02-02 14:59 LUA call stack:
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (2243) : link
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (198) : loadAttacherJointFromXML
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (118) : asyncCallbackFunction
2020-02-02 14:59 Warning (script): Unknown entity id 111626 in method 'setTranslation'.
2020-02-02 14:59 LUA call stack:
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (2245) : setTranslation
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (198) : loadAttacherJointFromXML
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (118) : asyncCallbackFunction
2020-02-02 14:59 Warning (script): Unknown entity id 111626 in method 'setVisibility'.
2020-02-02 14:59 LUA call stack:
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (2247) : setVisibility
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua (198) : loadAttacherJointFromXML
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2020-02-02 14:59 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (118) : asyncCallbackFunction

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.02.2020 19:57
Looks like you have edited the i3d what has lead to a displacement of nodes in xml.

Draco Mancer (Unknown) 04.02.2020 08:49
Thanks, it was an error with tractor's back attacher, I didn't add referenceFrame to the bottomArm :)

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