Multi-Fruit Custom Map - All Sales Points EXCEPT for BGA function

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created09.03.2020 17:44

Itsplanb (itsPlanB) 09.03.2020 17:44
Hello All,

I've completed a complete transformation of a multi-fruit map that has an error that I just cannot seem to resolve. The BGA is showing on initial map load. Once the map is saved and re-initialized from the save the the BGA no longer shows as a sales point on the map. Initially, we realized that the BGA needed to be on a plot of land that can be purchased, and we hadn't done that. We corrected that and still can't seem to get it to load. I'm wondering if anyone else has run into something like this. If you have, what was the problem?


Brian Smith (bs98765432123) 13.03.2020 04:43
2 quick thoughts: make sure it's in the items .xml and has class name "BgaPlaceable"
also if it is there make sure no farmland id is assigned to it.

I have no idea if this will help, good luck

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