Interior Camera Rotation Limit

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created17.03.2020 13:47

Hasan Erturun (Unknown) 17.03.2020 13:47
First of all, I have no modding experience and I am new to this forum, so excuse me if I am doing something wrong.

I like to play fs19 and I like to use the interior camera while driving a tractor. So, I wanted to add another interior camera to a mod tractor so that I can lean left & right inside the tractor and see the front of the tractor while I am doing a loader work for example. So I did some research and I figured, I need to do some additions in the i3d file.

I added a rotate node point just in front of the tractor and under that node, I created another camera and placed that at the exact point with the default interior camera. Then on the tractor xml file, I added the following line below default interior camera specifications line;

<camera node="0>9|0|0|5|0" rotatable="true" rotateNode="0>9|0|0|5" limit="true" rotMinX="-0.025" rotMaxX="0.05" transMin="0" transMax="0" useMirror="true" isInside="true" shadowFocusBox="shadowFocusBox" />

Surprisingly, It almost worked as I wanted. I tweaked the rotMinX and rotMaxX values so I can move up and down in the tractor a little without touching the ceiling or the seat.

But the problem is I cannot set a rotation limit on the "y" direction. When I move my mouse to the right or left it can make a full rotation outside the tractor and comes back inside. I am basically rotating around the rotation node that I put in front of the tractor. That is expected, but I want it to stay inside the tractor cabin.
Then I thought, I can add rotMinY and rotMaxY functions with some random values like -7&7 to limit the rotation but nothing has changed.

So I wonder if there is a way to limit that rotation.

Thanks in advance.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.03.2020 17:23
See for reference

There's no other limit rotMax/Min than in X-direction.
Note also, the rotation in xml is in radians, not degrees (other than in i3d).
If you look at the rotation nodes, the rotation axis X is the vertical (up/down) rotation. The horizontal (left/right) Y is normally limited to +/- π/2.
But if you have rotMax/MinX higher than π/2, the camera may also turn backwards.

Hasan Erturun (Unknown) 17.03.2020 18:36
Thanks for reply and guidance. I found a mod called QUICKCAMERA which serves the purpose, I better use that :)

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