Add basic animation

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.04.2020 19:59

Basti Getregt (Unknown) 02.04.2020 19:59
Hi all,

I'd like to add a simple animation (rotate on y-axis) to an object which would then be a placeable mod.

In GE there is a window for animation, but there seems to be now way to implement / key-frame an animation.
Am I just missing something obvious or is there currently no way to add animations to objects in GE?

I also tried to look at the wooden windmill in Ravenport, but I didn't find any animation or any way to export the animation to reuse on my object.

Luca Braun (Bigfarmer145) 16.04.2020 12:37

for placeables it is easy. Animations will be controlled by xml-entrys.

There is already an Windturbine-Mod on modhub where you can look at.
It uses:
<windTurbine headNode="0|0" rotationNode="0|0|0" />
in combination with

If you are not working on a Windturbine, you can find alternatives at the gates on the animalHusbandry in the FS19 directory.
Here you can find any possible xml-entrys:

You will find the entry "placeable.animatedObjects", wich means you can just enter this into your XML:


possible entrys for animatedObjects will be find here:

Also you could try "Rotator"
The entry should look like:
<Rotator speed="0.0012" axis="3"/>
in combination with:

where the number for axis is analogue to 1=x, 2=y and 3=z. This sounds like the easyest, but i never tried that and dont know where it is used.

I hope this helps

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