waterplane creation

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created14.04.2020 18:34

Andrew Collins (Unknown) 14.04.2020 18:34
hey could someone please explain how to create custom water planes for a map please. is there a specific process? i made one in blender, exported it into ge and applied the correct material etc. copied from a vanilla one in notepad. but when it loads it is black. any help would really help me and a few others i know out.

Luca Braun (Bigfarmer145) 16.04.2020 12:54
Normal-map needs to be applied before exporting from blender or maya. Otherwise there are missing 3D-informations wich causes black surfaces very often.

If this not helps, is there any error in Giants Editor Console?

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