Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 15.04.2020 23:02 |
Andras Kobor (Unknown) | 15.04.2020 23:02 |
Hi All, I would like to add a new bunker silo for an existing map (Sandy Bay), but I'm missing something and at the end instead of a working new bunker silo all of existing bunkers are going to be wrong... Here's what I've done: 1) copy an existing bunker silo placeable and position it where I want to have it (!Au5Fta7GN2I7ge9imH4TP_qE-QNW8Q?e=S4mlT7); 2) copy an existing trigger for the bunker silo and position it to the new silo (!Au5Fta7GN2I7ge9jHPuJGnVkaf5cwg?e=YM9wav); 3) copy an existing bunkerSiloArea and position it to new silo (best I could, but startingNode, widthNode and heightNode don't seem to be fix as it looks like in case of an existing silo; they are floating away when I'm changing camera position) (!Au5Fta7GN2I7ge9hpeKHjYK7VQfHkA?e=h37XmD); 4) and finally edit the xml for the bunker silos (!Au5Fta7GN2I7ge9ghxU0wcOTKTlXqA?e=kxmXdQ). But as I mentioned, when I start a new game with the modified map, the silo is there, but the trigger doesn't work for any bunker silo anymore. Has anyone some idea/experience what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Andras |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 15.04.2020 23:39 |
You must not insert the bunker silo in GE, but by the defaultItems(xml). Beneath the silo only works if you own the farmland where it is placed. |
Andras Kobor (Unknown) | 16.04.2020 22:20 |
Thanks Bilbo! Unfortunately I couldn't configure a new silo via the items.xml neither. However I've progress on the original way with the GE: now I can unload the grass in the new bunker silo and it turns to chaff! :D But compressing and of course covering still doesn't work... And I don't have fill level and compressed level label in the help in the top left corner, but I could live with that if compressing would work. :( |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 17.04.2020 10:14 |
Look into the BunkerSilo LUA The FS17 style with user attribute BunkerSilo.onCreate is not supported anymore. If you want your bunkerSilo get to work, you must convert it to a placeable and insert via defaultItems. See for reference the game default bunkerSilos. |
Andras Kobor (Unknown) | 20.04.2020 13:54 |
Thanks again Bilbo! I started it from scratch, focused on defaultitems.xml and tried to copy existing silos there as you suggested and finally it's working. :) |
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