unable to nest objects with drag and drop in scenegraph.

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created25.04.2020 20:41

Shawn E Carter (Unknown) 25.04.2020 20:41
First just want to thank anyone in advance for any assistance.

GEv8.2, windows 10.

ISSUE: Unable to drag and drop any object, including Transform Groups in order to nest the order and hierarchy.

HOPING: That there may be an easy script to do just this, if not hoping this can be fixed, as it works in the official FS19 Modding Tutorial videos.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.04.2020 21:12
Maybe intended for a later version.
The current released version doesn't support drag and drop.
So far use cut (or copy) and paste. Works the same way and is more safe.

Lorenzos (lorenzoita) 25.04.2020 21:57
You can drag and drop by pressing the middle button of the mouse

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.04.2020 22:18
oh - nice. Didn't know yet. Though (just seen) it's even already described in editor doc. ;)

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