Keyframes not strictly monotonic increasing

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created23.05.2020 17:29

Formel Creations (Adriformel) 23.05.2020 17:29

In my log, I have this error :

"Error: keyframes not strictly monotonic increasing"

I don’t know where it comes from or how to solve it. In addition, this is the only error in my log and it appears as soon as I load the mods in the shop before confirming the purchase

So if you can help me I am a taker (I specify that the error does not impact the good functionality of my mod)

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.05.2020 06:54
The error causing object is usually cited above the error message.

Examine the object's XML tag <animatedObjects>
There are entries with <keyFrame time=... "/>
These keyFrames must be in ascending order.

Formel Creations (Adriformel) 01.06.2020 12:35
Il n'y a pas de balise <animatedObjects> ni d'entrées <keyFrame time = ... "/> sachant que animatedObjects je pense que c'est pour une map alors que moi cette erreur est sur un mods FS19

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