How to extract Ravenport

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created04.06.2020 15:59

Ramlatus Varin (Unknown) 04.06.2020 15:59
I want to make some minor changes to the Ravenport map. I of course need a copy of the map before I can edit it. The ones I have found on the modding websites are removed. How can I extract the map from the gaming files so I can make some changes.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.06.2020 12:43
Use the Giants Editor (available here on GDN).
Load the map (mapUS.i3d) into editor and do files -> "new mod from game".
This will write all necessary files. You need only some minor additions in the modDesc.xml, like icon etc.

J.g. Van Dijk (JaVaDy) 11.06.2020 21:55
I followed the instructions. Changed name and descritpion in modDesc.xml.

I started a savegame, but no sellingpoints show up in the menu. The sellingpoints are present in the copied i3d file.

Did I forget something, or is there more to add/change ?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 12.06.2020 08:13
There's a bug which writes the wrong path into defaultItems and defaultVehicles.

Replace all filename="$data/ with filename="data/

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