refueling "in filed" with tanker is not work properly

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.06.2020 07:21

Rubens De Moraes (Rhubens) 29.06.2020 07:21
I configure a tanker to refuel my machines in the field, and it work, and stops to work, with the same tank and machine. The button "start to fuel", can or not apear when I aproch the machine. I remove all my mods from the mods folder but the problem persists. Could this be some collision mask problem? But if it were, would never refuel, right?

Karyn Mcdonough (Unknown) 29.06.2020 16:58
Press F5 in debug mode to see where the collisions are.

Rubens De Moraes (Rhubens) 29.06.2020 19:50
I did, but the machine is in the collision box, and sometimes the button appear, sometimes not, this is making me crazy

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