How to get started making a map

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created07.07.2020 04:58

Laura Dinger (Unknown) 07.07.2020 04:58
I've been looking around cant find how to start making a map for farming simulator 19.
In the video help on this website chapter 1 has everything I have on-screen but when chapter 2 comes up I do not have the terrain, sun, or careerstartpoint.
Could anyone direct me to how to solve this

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 07.07.2020 10:44
You need to start with a sample mod map There are plenty on the mod sites. It's a starter map with nothing on it but built ready to go. just make sure it's a clean one some of them have extra stuff with them. I highly recommend watching YouTube. Search for shywizard. He does a great job of explaining a lot of things when it comes to map making.

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