Giant editor wheels

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.08.2020 17:05

Simon Ekdahl (Simon91) 02.08.2020 17:05
Hey, I cant see wheels on any vehicle in giant editor, anyone know how I solve this?
Ive reinstalled GE 2 times with no luck, tried a few things in the "show" window, without any luck.

Thankful for answers

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 03.08.2020 09:32
The wheels are not part of the vehicle.i3d, they are referenced by external files in the vehicle.xml section <wheels>.

Simon Ekdahl (Simon91) 03.08.2020 12:48
Hi thanks for answer. I tried to just open the wheels on GE, and still cant see them

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