Fs17 GPS hud to fs19

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created12.08.2020 01:20

Chris Talley (Unknown) 12.08.2020 01:20
Does anyone know of a mod that is like the old GPS hud in 17 that's on fs19? I wanna be able to simply click and go like the days of old. I hate the new GPS with a passion.

Harag Harag (Harag) 03.09.2020 19:20
Before GPS got ported over to FS19 I was using "Vehicle Contro lAddon" which is mainly for keyboard control, but it also does gps style things. I still use this mod to this day. You should be able to find v1 of it on the modhub.

Matthew Bodenar (Unknown) 15.03.2021 17:54

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