Combine Header Crop \ Fruit animation part missing

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created26.08.2020 18:19

Jon Gjjjjj (Unknown) 26.08.2020 18:19
Im using a mod called "Midwest Durus 60Ft", it works fine but the animation for the crop going into header doesn't go to the end at both ends.
I'm not talking about the crop on the tray moving to the centre, but the actual up right crop entering the header.

I have looked in the XML files and open it in GE but i can't find the section related to this.

here is a screen shot that shows it;

and here is a link to the mod;

If someone could point me in the direction that would be amazing

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 26.08.2020 23:35
The animation is done by a certain effect, for cutters often "cutterEffect". Look in $data/particleSystems.

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