Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 15.09.2020 22:32 |
Jefferson Larue (silver) | 15.09.2020 22:32 |
Hi, I've been trying to implement the extentedAnimationSOunds specialization on some of my mods. Unexpectedly, it works with certain tractors, but not with other. I noticed that the problem appears for mods that did't previously had vehicle types defined in the modDesc prior to implenting the said specilization (e.g. the JD 4755 from AAA modding). Any clue ? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 16.09.2020 10:07 |
Certainly a mod specialization works only if it is added to the vehicle spec list. Some mod specs do this automatically, but in this case obviously not. That means, you must add it manually in the modDesc. Also look into the mod's LUA code. Sometimes a description for usage is included (in the comments). |
Jefferson Larue (silver) | 16.09.2020 15:19 |
I did that (vehivle type added) but it does not work. Here's an example of how I implemented the specialization in the modDesc. Of course, the scripts folder (and the sounds one) were added to the mod file. <specializations> <specialization name="extendedAnimationSounds" className="ExtendedAnimationSounds" filename="scripts/ExtendedAnimationSounds.lua" /> <!-- Thank you Ifko[nator]--> </specializations> <vehicleTypes> <type name="JD4755" parent="baseDrivable" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua" > <specialization name="extendedAnimationSounds"/> </type> </vehicleTypes> Any idea ? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 16.09.2020 18:24 |
I don't know this mod. Look for a description in the zip file or LUA code. Else you should ask the author Ifko or in the forum where he is present. Ask Google for the right addresses. |
Jefferson Larue (silver) | 17.09.2020 20:44 |
Where can I find the LUA code ? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 17.09.2020 20:52 |
Seriously? Of course in the place where you have copied it. According to your modDesc it should be in your mod's subfolder "scripts/ExtendedAnimationSounds.lua". |
Jefferson Larue (silver) | 18.09.2020 21:44 |
--[[ ExtendedAnimationSounds Specialization for extended sounds at animations Author: Ifko[nator] Datum: 05.10.2019 Version: v1.0 History: v1.0 @ 05.10.2019 - initial implementation in FS 19 PERMISSION ONLY FOR AHRAN MODDING! ]] ExtendedAnimationSounds = {} function ExtendedAnimationSounds.prerequisitesPresent(specializations) return SpecializationUtil.hasSpecialization(AnimatedVehicle, specializations); end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds.registerEventListeners(vehicleType) local functionNames = { "onLoad", "onDelete" }; for _, functionName in ipairs(functionNames) do SpecializationUtil.registerEventListener(vehicleType, functionName, ExtendedAnimationSounds); end; end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds.registerOverwrittenFunctions(vehicleType) SpecializationUtil.registerOverwrittenFunction(vehicleType, "loadAnimation", ExtendedAnimationSounds.loadAnimation); end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds:onLoad(savegame) local functionNames = { "playAnimation", "stopAnimation" }; for _, functionName in ipairs(functionNames) do self[functionName] = Utils.overwrittenFunction(self[functionName], ExtendedAnimationSounds[functionName]); end; AnimatedVehicle.updateAnimation = Utils.overwrittenFunction(AnimatedVehicle.updateAnimation, ExtendedAnimationSounds.updateAnimation); end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds:onDelete() local spec = self.spec_animatedVehicle; for _, animation in pairs(spec.animations) do if self.isClient then g_soundManager:deleteSample(animation.openSound); g_soundManager:deleteSample(animation.closeSound); end; end; end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds:loadAnimation(superFunc, xmlFile, key, animation) local name = getXMLString(xmlFile, key .. "#name"); if name ~= nil then = name; = {}; animation.currentTime = 0; animation.currentSpeed = 1; animation.looping = Utils.getNoNil(getXMLBool(xmlFile, key .. "#looping"), false); animation.resetOnStart = Utils.getNoNil(getXMLBool(xmlFile, key .. "#resetOnStart"), true); local partI = 0; while true do local partKey = key .. string.format(".part(%d)", partI); if not hasXMLProperty(xmlFile, partKey) then break; end; local animationPart = {}; if self:loadAnimationPart(xmlFile, partKey, animationPart) then table.insert(, animationPart); end; partI = partI + 1; end; -- sort parts by start/end time animation.partsReverse = {}; for _, part in ipairs( do table.insert(animation.partsReverse, part); end; table.sort(, AnimatedVehicle.animPartSorter); table.sort(animation.partsReverse, AnimatedVehicle.animPartSorterReverse); self:initializeAnimationParts(animation); animation.currentPartIndex = 1; animation.duration = 0; for _, part in ipairs( do animation.duration = math.max(animation.duration, part.startTime + part.duration); end; if self.isClient then animation.sample = g_soundManager:loadSampleFromXML(self.xmlFile, key, "sound", self.baseDirectory, self.components, 0, AudioGroup.VEHICLE, self.i3dMappings, self); animation.openSound = g_soundManager:loadSampleFromXML(xmlFile, key, "openSound", self.baseDirectory, self.components, 0, AudioGroup.VEHICLE, self.i3dMappings, self); animation.closeSound = g_soundManager:loadSampleFromXML(xmlFile, key, "closeSound", self.baseDirectory, self.components, 0, AudioGroup.VEHICLE, self.i3dMappings, self); end; return true; end; return false; end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds:playAnimation(superFunc, name, speed, animTime, noEventSend) local spec = self.spec_animatedVehicle; local animation = spec.animations[name]; if animation ~= nil then SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self, "onPlayAnimation", name); if speed == nil then speed = animation.currentSpeed; end; -- skip animation if speed is not set or 0 to allow skipping animations per xml speed attribute set to 0 if speed == nil or speed == 0 then return; end; if animTime == nil then if self:getIsAnimationPlaying(name) then animTime = self:getAnimationTime(name); elseif speed > 0 then animTime = 0; else animTime = 1; end; end; if noEventSend == nil or noEventSend == false then if g_server ~= nil then g_server:broadcastEvent(AnimatedVehicleStartEvent:new(self, name, speed, animTime), nil, nil, self); else g_client:getServerConnection():sendEvent(AnimatedVehicleStartEvent:new(self, name, speed, animTime)); end; end; if spec.activeAnimations[name] == nil then spec.activeAnimations[name] = animation; spec.numActiveAnimations = spec.numActiveAnimations + 1; SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self, "onStartAnimation", name); end; animation.currentSpeed = speed; animation.currentTime = animTime * animation.duration; self:resetAnimationValues(animation); if self.isClient then g_soundManager:playSample(animation.sample); if animTime < 1 then g_soundManager:playSample(animation.openSound); else g_soundManager:playSample(animation.closeSound); end; end; self:raiseActive(); end; end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds:stopAnimation(superFunc, name, noEventSend) local spec = self.spec_animatedVehicle; local animation = spec.animations[name]; if noEventSend == nil or noEventSend == false then if g_server ~= nil then g_server:broadcastEvent(AnimatedVehicleStopEvent:new(self, name), nil, nil, self); else g_client:getServerConnection():sendEvent(AnimatedVehicleStopEvent:new(self, name)); end; end; local animation = spec.animations[name]; if animation ~= nil then SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self, "onStopAnimation", name); animation.stopTime = nil; if self.isClient then g_soundManager:stopSample(animation.sample); g_soundManager:stopSample(animation.openSound); g_soundManager:stopSample(animation.closeSound); end; end; if spec.activeAnimations[name] ~= nil then spec.numActiveAnimations = spec.numActiveAnimations - 1; spec.activeAnimations[name] = nil; SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self, "onFinishAnimation", name); end; end; function ExtendedAnimationSounds.updateAnimation(self, superFunc, anim, dtToUse, stopAnim, allowRestart) local spec = self.spec_animatedVehicle; local numParts = table.getn(; local parts =; if anim.currentSpeed < 0 then parts = anim.partsReverse; end; if dtToUse > 0 then local hasChanged = false; local nothingToChangeYet = false; for partI=anim.currentPartIndex, numParts do local part = parts[partI]; local isInRange = true; if part.requiredAnimation ~= nil then local time = self:getAnimationTime(part.requiredAnimation); if time < part.requiredAnimationRange[1] or time > part.requiredAnimationRange[2] then isInRange = false; end; end; if (part.direction == 0 or ((part.direction > 0) == (anim.currentSpeed >= 0))) and isInRange then local durationToEnd = AnimatedVehicle.getDurationToEndOfPart(part, anim); -- is this part not playing yet? if durationToEnd > part.duration then nothingToChangeYet = true; break; end; local realDt = dtToUse if anim.currentSpeed > 0 then local startT = anim.currentTime - dtToUse; if startT < part.startTime then realDt = dtToUse - part.startTime + startT; end; else local startT = anim.currentTime + dtToUse; local endTime = part.startTime + part.duration; if startT > endTime then realDt = dtToUse - (startT - endTime); end; end; durationToEnd = durationToEnd+realDt; if self:updateAnimationPart(anim, part, durationToEnd, dtToUse, realDt) then if self.setMovingToolDirty ~= nil then self:setMovingToolDirty(part.node); end; hasChanged = true; end; end; if partI == anim.currentPartIndex then -- is this part finished? if (anim.currentSpeed > 0 and part.startTime + part.duration < anim.currentTime) or (anim.currentSpeed <= 0 and part.startTime > anim.currentTime) then self:resetAnimationPartValues(part); anim.currentPartIndex = anim.currentPartIndex + 1; end; end; end; if not nothingToChangeYet and not hasChanged and anim.currentPartIndex >= numParts then -- end the animation if anim.currentSpeed > 0 then anim.currentTime = anim.duration; else anim.currentTime = 0; end; stopAnim = true; end; end; if stopAnim or anim.currentPartIndex > numParts or anim.currentPartIndex < 1 then if not stopAnim then if anim.currentSpeed > 0 then anim.currentTime = anim.duration; else anim.currentTime = 0; end; end; anim.currentTime = math.min(math.max(anim.currentTime, 0), anim.duration); anim.stopTime = nil; if spec.activeAnimations[] ~= nil then spec.numActiveAnimations = spec.numActiveAnimations - 1; if self.isClient then g_soundManager:stopSample(spec.activeAnimations[].sample); g_soundManager:stopSample(spec.activeAnimations[].openSound); g_soundManager:stopSample(spec.activeAnimations[].closeSound); end; spec.activeAnimations[] = nil; SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self, "onFinishAnimation",; end; if allowRestart == nil or allowRestart then if anim.looping then -- restart animation self:setAnimationTime(, math.abs((anim.duration-anim.currentTime) - 1), true); self:playAnimation(, anim.currentSpeed, nil, true); end; end; end; end; |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 19.09.2020 09:15 |
It's not my script and the author has noted explicitely: PERMISSION ONLY FOR AHRAN MODDING! So if you want to know something about ASK THE AUTHOR! |
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