Global company factory help

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created27.09.2020 20:37

Mark Conlon (Fattybb) 27.09.2020 20:37
I have downloaded and made sure that my global company is upto date along with all the relevant production mods bu with the exception of the fermentation silo I can't buy inputs via the panel or the global company overview. Is there a string of code I need to put in. All the mods are showing up in the global company hud and are listed as having full global company compatibility. The main culprits are the honey, flower and carton production facilities by bdm aswell as the gea animal feed system

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.09.2020 20:51
I don't know much about global company, however afaik the productions are not meant to buy input.

Anyway, GC is an external mod and you should better ask in the GC support forum.

Mark Conlon (Fattybb) 28.09.2020 22:00

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