How to change fertilizer spread width?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created07.10.2020 00:46

Tim Slane (Slimtane) 07.10.2020 00:46
I'm trying to adjust the spread width/area of a fertilizer spreader (kverneland Exacta EL) from 15m to 40m but I cannot figure it out. I've changed the:

-<sprayer fillUnitIndex="1">
<usageScales scale="1" workingWidth="40"/>

I've also changed the .i3d file "effectnode" and "workareawidth" - which worked to change the visual spread area.

Nothing seems to be working to change the effective area for the spreader.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 07.10.2020 02:11
You need to change the "workArea" nodes.
Usually "workAreaStart" is the origin, "workAreaWidth" and "workAreaHeight" determine the sides.
You have to change the "ai/areaMarker" nodes accordingly to make it helper compatible.

To adapt the visual particles you must also change the "effectNode" shape. Scale it suitably, then 'freeze' the scaling.

Tim Slane (Slimtane) 07.10.2020 02:46
YES! That all worked! I was missing primarily the Width & Height nodes. Got it all working - I just need to get it fine-tuned. Thank you again for your help!

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