Problem with shaders

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created23.10.2020 11:33

guggeli 23.10.2020 11:33
I put trees in my map and after i saved it i had moved the shaders to a different folder.

How can i modify where the tree get its files?

Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/shaders/treeBillboardShader.xml'.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/shaders/treeBranchShader.xml'.
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/shaders/treeTrunkShader.xml'.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 23.10.2020 20:34
You have saved/exported wrong (perhaps earlier).
In general answer the upcoming queries
- use parent directory: NO
- use game default paths: YES
All other is for special use only.

To correct broken filepaths in i3d, load the i3d into a text editor and replace in section <Files> all wrong paths with the default "$data/"

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