Disabling DischargeNode sound

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created27.10.2020 12:00

Mantrid  (mantrid) 27.10.2020 12:00
I'm unable to disable the dischargeNode sound. The best I can do is add another sound at the same time :(

The #playSound on line 490 just disables the sound specified in "dischargeSound" (line 495), and the dischargeSound#overwriteSharedSound on line 498 doesn't appear to do anything.

I have a pallet that can accept wool (Animal Goods Transport mod) and the discharge sound frequently gets stuck (doesn't stop playing), so I'd like to disable the sound entirely.

The code I have is below (I've tried scaling the sound node to 0 in all directions (it works with lights!), and moving it 100m in the air, and hiding it, but no help)
<dischargeable requiresTipOcclusionArea="false">
<dischargeNode node="0>" emptySpeed="1000" fillUnitIndex="1" maxDistance="60" canStartDischargeAutomatically="true" soundNode="0>2" playSound="false">
<trigger node="dischargeTrigger"/>
<dischargeSound template="SLURRY_03" overwriteSharedSound="true"/>

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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