Levitating shovel

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.11.2020 21:46

Tomáš Labák (Chobi) 02.11.2020 21:46

I added a front loader to the mode and I made a mistake somewhere and I don't know where. I am attaching a video.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 03.11.2020 01:28
The attacher needs some additional attributes.
<attacherJoint ... rotLimitSpring="7500 7500 7500" rotLimitDamping="5 5 5" transLimitSpring="7500 7500 7500" transLimitDamping="5 5 5" ... >

Tomáš Labák (Chobi) 03.11.2020 16:42

I have registered:
<attacherJoint node="8|2|0|1|0|1|0|0" jointType="frontloader" allowsJointLimitMovement="false" allowsLowering="false" rotLimitSpring="7500 7500 7500" rotLimitDamping="5 5 5" transLimitSpring="7500 7500 7500" transLimitDamping="5 5 5" >
<schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="true"/>

Martin Martin (Unknown) 12.01.2021 16:38
Hi Tomas, have you found a way how to solve it? I have similar issue and don´t know what should I do. Thanks

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