grass no accepted in standard barn

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created13.11.2020 23:30

Nicolas Larrieu (onlydrift) 13.11.2020 23:30
hello I add the cut grass as contained on the basic barn the icon appears well in the store but in game the barn does not "eat" the grass it remains in a pile on the trigger

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 14.11.2020 06:46
No clairvoyants here.
Which barn do you mean? What exactly did you add where?

Nicolas Larrieu (onlydrift) 14.11.2020 13:50
the vanilla barn but i found a mod

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 14.11.2020 19:29
Still not clear, but assuming you mean the "sellingStationBales" and not the "hayLoft":
Look into the xml of the sellingStation if it contains the desired entry <fillType name=".." . Notice that it works only with fillTypes, not fruitTypes.

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