No depth map available, drivingDust' (emitter1Ref) with material 'fx_smoke01_mat'

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created17.11.2020 13:03

Afmodding (1DAFUL) 17.11.2020 13:03
Hi all
I am building a vehicle mod, it is a car.
Every time the vehicle starting to move, this error message come up:

Error: No depth map available, but shape 'drivingDust' (emitter1Ref) with material 'fx_smoke01_mat' uses a custom shader which requires reading depth data.

I didn't find the problem, there is no exist drivingDust, emitter1Ref and fx_smoke_mat in the i3d file nor in xml.

Can somebody help me please?

Afmodding (1DAFUL) 18.11.2020 08:26
The mirrors caused the problem.
Has been missed in xml file:

<mirror node="..." prio="." />

Keltibero (Keltibero) 09.08.2022 22:32
I get this error in FS 22, and thanks to your solution I was able to fix it. It was driving me crazy.

Thank you very much Afmodding!!

Chris Sharp (CHRISDIANE) 24.08.2022 16:11
what xml to u need to add this 2 as i have the same problem with just 1 mod map iv made..

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