
Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.11.2020 10:02

Gabor Pasti (pastig) 29.11.2020 10:02
Hi guys!
Can you help me how can I set the connectionHoses in GE and in the XML file? Please write me here, or link a video about that. And How can I generate numbers for connectionHoses in GE?
Thanks in advance!

Mantrid  (mantrid) 30.11.2020 14:12
I suggest you download an existing mod that has them working (my Roadrunner+ mod for vehicle, or Lizard Auger Master for trailer) and look at how they're done. I copied them, so you're welcome to copy them off me. I found the best way to learn is to find a mod that does what you want, or very similar, and see how they did it :)

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