How to import items/How to create backdrop

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.11.2020 22:32

Yngve Bæsj (Unknown) 29.11.2020 22:32
Question is two-folded- as in the title.

1: How do I import used items and placeables from mapUS and mapDE to my own map- that isn't listed (at least not as a .i3D file) in .../steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 19? Examples are railbridge walls, actual roads, bridges, houses (residental), rocks (mirrored) and backdrops.
All of these should be located on my computer somewhere.

2: Speaking of backdrops- how do I create one myself? Do I have to use Blender, 3Ds Max and the sort?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.11.2020 00:27
What you see in editor on a map is all included in the map.i3d. So it's very simple: you export the object from the source map and import it into destination map.

If want to create objects yourself you need a 3D modeling program like 3DsMax, Maya, Blender.

Yngve Bæsj (Unknown) 30.11.2020 09:23
Once again I can't thank you enough Bilbo. You should apply at Giants for your skills and knowledge

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