New husbandy in map

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created03.12.2020 03:15

Tommy Aleksandersen (WolfBoy) 03.12.2020 03:15
Hi. I have a map with husbandry, goat, duck. this is in game a buyable husbandry. i want to use that in my map, is it possible to transfer the husbandy to my map ? Can someone please explain to me how ?

Thank you.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 03.12.2020 04:03
Not without knowing the map and husbandry.
Goats and ducks are non-default animals and there are several ways to add this to a map.
Sorry, but here you must research yourself how the components are built up.

Tommy Aleksandersen (WolfBoy) 03.12.2020 05:34
Okay, i got it almost to work. I went into the shop and there they was. but when i try to place on a field i got an error saying, "You have to many of this kind on this land" So I could not place it. and then the game was stuck.

Yes I will try to do some research on it. not easy that on.. Anyway. thank you for reply to me Bilbo.

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