Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 08.12.2020 09:23 |
Yngve Bæsj (Unknown) | 08.12.2020 09:23 |
In the 4x map I'm making, there's supposed to be ALOT of trees and I figured to do what they've done in mapDE with the trees being a part of the backdrop, but the only model I can export for this purpose is the one on mapDE, and it's WAAAY to big. I just want a small cluster of trees in the backdrop, so I can duplicate more of them to fit the environment properly. If we exclude blender (I got zero experience with it, and the i3D addon to blender doesn't activate), is there a simple way to obtain a smaller verson of that default to mapDE? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 08.12.2020 14:44 |
You can scale the background shapes. Afterwards you should 'freeze' the scaling. (rightclick or menu edit -> freeze transform -> scale) If it still doesn't fit try to find alternate backgrounds. Else you need to create a new one in a 3D modeler. |
Yngve Bæsj (Unknown) | 08.12.2020 20:35 |
I've tried scaling it, and when it's as small as I'd prefer it, it's totally deformed. I'm using a bunch of different mountain backdrops in order for it to be as authentic as possible to what I'm trying to replicate. Is there like a max amount of trees possible to plant in the editor (not ingame)? I notice how much my GPU is doing alot of heavy lifting now that I'm only 25% through all the trees that's supposed to be there. I'd prefer knowing whether or not there's a max limit so I don't have to delete a few thousand trees just so I can sculpt the landscape all over again |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 08.12.2020 21:44 |
Yes, there is a limit, iirc around ~40k, but I don't know the exact number. |
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