Differential Configuration

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created15.12.2020 16:34

Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) 15.12.2020 16:34
Hi, How can i add new differential congiguration? I want to make both 2wd and 4wd tractors in one i3d file. I used <ConfigurationSets> zone.

<ConfigurationSets title"xxx">
<configuraitonSet name="2wd">
<configuraiton name="wheel" index="1"/>
<configuraiton name="motor" index="1"/>
<configuraiton name="differential" index="1"/>
<configuraitonSet name="4wd">
<configuraiton name="wheel" index="2"/>
<configuraiton name="motor" index="2"/>
<configuraiton name="differential" index="2"/>

And I created new differential configuration.
Motor and wheels are working correctly but there is a differential error.

"Warning: Configuration name 'differential' is not defined in vehicle xml! "
Everything is true. Where is the problem?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 15.12.2020 17:56
Put on your glasses: misspelled "configuration" - you have multiple "configuraiton"
And you have "ConfigurationSets" (uppercase). XML is case-sensitive, it must be <configurationSets ..

Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) 15.12.2020 18:43
I typed it wrong while writing here. The spelling in the file is correct.
What do I need to add differential? I wrote the necessary codes in the <differentialConfiguration> section. I cannot reach and use it in the game. it says "Warning: Configuration name 'differential' is not defined in vehicle xml! "but I already added differential configuration.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 15.12.2020 23:19
Perhaps you should begin by examining a default vehicle.xml.
All drivables use <differentialConfigurations> embedded in <motorized>.

If you're lazy, use Notepad++, select in menu "seach files", enter the search pattern eg. "<differential", with filter "*.xml", search path "{your FS install}\data\vehicles".

During coming holidays consider to learn some basics by following tutorials like here on GDN.

Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) 15.12.2020 23:37
Already <differentialConfigurations> embedded in <motorized>. Everything is true. When I select the tractor 4x4 it's still 2wd and it says that error. The mod works. Just missing. I guess we can't add new differentials in fs 2019, just one.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.12.2020 04:04
No. Though the standard vehicles use one differential only, I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
See the function loadDifferentials() which is called by onLoad()

Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) 16.12.2020 15:10
I solved the problem. differentialIndex="x" mustn't be in the <configurationSets>. It must be in <wheelConfiguration>.

for example:

<wheelConfiguration ......>
<wheels autoRot.... differentialIndex="1">

<wheelConfiguration ......>
<wheels autoRot.... differentialIndex="2">


<ConfigurationSets title"xxx">
<configuraitonSet name="2wd">
<configuration name="wheel" index="1"/>
<configuration name="motor" index="1"/>
<configuraitonSet name="4wd">
<configuration name="wheel" index="2"/>
<configuration name="motor" index="1"/>

select differentials via wheels.

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