Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 29.12.2020 23:17 |
Tommy Aleksandersen (WolfBoy) | 29.12.2020 23:17 |
Hi. After I added the new fruits to my map I got a small problem. it won`t grow. I have tried everything, I have also startet a new savegame without any mods but with no luck. I have looked over the xml`s and they are ok. the id3 files shows no error. I have done this on another map too and there it all worked fine. That map was a 4xmap if that helps. This map is 2x. this is my problem map: <FoliageMultiLayer densityMapId="260" numChannels="14" numTypeIndexChannels="6" compressionChannels="6"> if that is a question. Like I say, no error in in the id3 file and I can paint the foliage down. But. I was reading the game log file and it have errors on the new crops. These are the errors 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index clover. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index peanut. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index poppy. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index onion. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index incarase_grass. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index carrot. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Invalid foliage type index hemp. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/me/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/my fruits maps/the borrowed crops_map/maps/newFruits/shaders/fillIconShader.xml'. 2020-12-29 23:01 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/me/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/my fruits maps/mods/my fruits maps/the borrowed crops_map/maps/newFruits/shaders/fillPlaneShader.xml'. I can`t find where to edit these two lines. I have looked everywhere on my map. The fillconShader.xml and the fillplaneShader.xml is in my shader folder. I don`t know why it is looking for the other map. Hoping for some help here Thank you |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 30.12.2020 03:49 |
1. In <FoliageMultiLayer ..> the 'numChannels' must be sum of 'numTypeIndexChannels' + 'compressionChannels' 2. The "failed to open .." errors come from 'fillPlane_materialHolder' <File fileId=.. filename="../shaders/fillIconShader.xml" <File fileId=.. filename="../shaders/fillPlaneShader.xml" This is because your map's folders are not sorted in recommanded hierarchy. Either re-organize the folder structures to default or edit the faulty paths manually. Maybe also, there was something exported/imported wrong what has broken the filepaths. |
Tommy Aleksandersen (WolfBoy) | 30.12.2020 05:00 |
Hi Bilbo. thank you for helping me. "1. In <FoliageMultiLayer ..> the 'numChannels' must be sum of 'numTypeIndexChannels' + 'compressionChannels'" So you mean like this ?, Example: <FoliageMultiLayer densityMapId="260" numChannels="14" numTypeIndexChannels="7" compressionChannels="7"> if this is the case then I don`t understand why he set it to 14 6 6. 2. The "failed to open .." errors come from 'fillPlane_materialHolder' <File fileId=.. filename="../shaders/fillIconShader.xml" <File fileId=.. filename="../shaders/fillPlaneShader.xml" This is because your map's folders are not sorted in recommanded hierarchy. Either re-organize the folder structures to default or edit the faulty paths manually. Yes, after some hours i found the problem and you are right, the problem was the path in the fillplane holder. so that is fixed. I still got errors that I can`t find answers to, there are no errors in non of the holders anymore and no error in the map.id3 file. I got the crops in the game but it won`t grow but still I get the errors. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index clover. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index peanut. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index poppy. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index onion. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index incarase_grass. "What does this mean" 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index carrot. 2020-12-30 03:17 Error: Invalid foliage type index hemp. 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'CENTER' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'HEMP'! 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'LEFT' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'HEMP'! 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'RIGHT' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'HEMP'! 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'CENTER' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'POPPY'! "All of these have the right path" 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'LEFT' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'POPPY'! 2020-12-30 03:18 Warning: Could not load cutter effect 'RIGHT' (Threshing: true) for fruitType 'POPPY'! I have looked at all effects holders now and I can`t find anything wrong anymore. The cutter effect error have the right path. My thinking is like, if the map could not handle anymore crops I asume the id3 would give me error on it.? I have never had a map that acted like this before. I have added crops on other maps and it works perfect "Either re-organize the folder structures to default or edit the faulty paths manually" Well that is easyer said and done. This guy have the folders and files all over the place. if I could guess I think this guy don`t want other people to mess with he`s map lol. To say a few words outside. what I have experienced with other maps is that there is only 4 holders they work with. effect_materialHolder filePlane_materialHolder particle_materialHolderr and cutterEffect_materialHolder But in this case there are severals in different places. |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 30.12.2020 07:33 |
I think the guy who made this map wasn't just an expert. *g* So he probably mixed up all the folders because he copied components from other maps with a certain folder hierarchy and was too lazy to adapt them (or didn't know how to). The total 'numChannels' may be higher than the sum. But that's nonsense, remaining channels are simply ignored. Except a custom script uses these. If you have checked successfully the materialHolder files, the cutter effect errors come most probably by missing or faulty user attributes in the materialHolders. Using more foliages (exceeding the default limit) is quite tricky and not easily done by simply enhancing the indexChannels. Also there's a limit due to the shader codes. For more info google eg. "fs19 foliage limit". You'll also see that the "Seasons" mod simplifies adding fruits/foliages. |
Tommy Aleksandersen (WolfBoy) | 05.01.2021 04:20 |
Hi again Bilbo, sorry for late reply.. After a long try with this map I have laid that crops to rest for now. I did everrything right as I went trough everything of files and it`s was ok. But no matter what I do it did not work. Again I will thank you for helping me with this. You gave me lot`s of helpfull tips adn I learned alot from it. Your the best. Thank you. |
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