Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 30.12.2020 04:29 |
Auriol Auriolist (Unknown) | 30.12.2020 04:29 |
Hi I have almost finished map. But now I found out that when I load my map ingame, there are no vehicles or sellingpoints. I have set them in the files like in this video I have even copied defaultitems.xml from other map that works and those files which contains sellingpoint.xml and made same directory Here is a line from my default items <item mapBoundId="sellingStationKmaatalous" className="SellingStationPlaceable" filename="$moddir$Laavakorpi/Sell/sellingStationKmaatalous.xml" position="447.755 99.637 661.284" rotation="0 0 0" /> I made this mod map from scratch, I started in Giants editor "new mod from game" and then copied files from FS19 sdk folder. Is there something missing, because the selling point don't apper ingame neither defaul vehicles. |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 30.12.2020 07:42 |
Don't use the filepath "$moddir$MAPNAME", but "$mapdir$" instead. Also there's a bug in GE "new mod from game" which writes faulty paths in defaultItems/Vehicles. Replace all filename="$data/ with filename="data/ |
Auriol Auriolist (Unknown) | 30.12.2020 13:13 |
Thanks Problem solved Now default vehicles apper when I start new game. I didn't paint all map with Farmland and it caused the problem |
illgib81 | 30.12.2020 13:34 |
Selling points as vehicles are a pain to set. Make sure to paint the right farmland id where your farm and the stores are, or else the game won't load tem up. Take a note into the farmland.xml and use one of the unused or wildlands id as the general un buyable lands, in usmap you can use one of the rocky area. |
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