Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 31.12.2020 17:32 |
Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) | 31.12.2020 17:32 |
Hi, is there a way for using mods in Missions(harvestimg, seedin etc. not pallet transport)? I want to use my mods in the missions. I have set missionVehicles.xml for mods($moddir$tractorxxx/tractorxxx.xml) but it is not worked. |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 01.01.2021 15:42 |
Path variables like $moddir$ or $mapdir$ are not supported in the missionVehicles.xml. If you want to use mod vehicles for missions you must embed the vehicles in your map and use relative paths in the missionVehicles.xml. |
Emincan YaĞiz (Emincan) | 01.01.2021 17:26 |
it's worked. Thanks! |
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