Connection Hoses Active/Inactive

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created01.01.2021 18:01

Ross Bowden (rossnmods) (rdbbowen) 01.01.2021 18:01
I have been trying to add connection hoses to a tractor to accept the hoses from the JD 603 loader from Giants. I am having issues that my tractor has configurations for front hydraulics or weights, With the front hydraulic fitted it works but without the loader hoses are trying to connect to the front hydraulic hoses despite not been visible.

Is there a way to make connection hoses active or inactive dependant on configuration? It doesn't seem to be a case of they are visible so active, and not visible inactive. Thanks

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 03.01.2021 20:55
In <attacherJoints> you can use <objectChange> for an active attacher.
Search in default vehicle xml files for "objectChange" to get examples.

I'd guess it should work if you setup the hose connectors in i3d as 'compoundChild' and use
<objectChange node=".." compoundChildActive="true" compoundChildInactive="false"/>

Else you could work with rotations or translations.

Ross Bowden (rossnmods) (rdbbowen) 09.01.2021 13:15
Great thanks, I'll give that a go

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