
Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created24.01.2021 18:08

Michael Vanhoutte (End0weR) 24.01.2021 18:08
I think that many users know this little mod, seems pretty cool but not working on many (modded)vehicles. Is there a way to change the RCTRL key binding to another key that is less used in the game so maybe it could work on most of the vehicles?


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 24.01.2021 19:06
I don't know this mod, but if it was programmed according to Giants guidelines, you can change the key mapping as usual in the game options.
Otherwise look in the "modDesc.xml" if you can find the key mapping there. If there is nothing, then it is hardcoded in the LUA script. You have to change it in the code.

*turbostar* (federicocuci) 07.02.2021 00:22
To fix issues with most modded vehicles you could try the "vehicle_registration_fix" on the Github repository of the mod downloading "modfiles" folder and zipping it.
About keys, you can change that from the game options.

Github of original author: StjerneIdioten/AdjustableMirrors

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