oart nodes Animated objects xml.

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.01.2021 20:56

William S. Martin Jr. (nitrodad1115) 29.01.2021 20:56
Im trying to set up my animated objects xml .. having trouble getting the pert nodes for one of the doors correct.. Anyone able to help guide me through which set of numbers I use from the index? ive tried the last 2, the last 1 and added a zero .. the door set up was brought in from another working model so i thought i would have no issues with nodes.. any help would be appreciated . thanks.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 29.01.2021 21:11
Impossible to say without seeing your i3d and xml (live).
Basically the index begins with the transform node which contains the user attribute "onCreate:...". The following must be sub-transforms (childs). First child is node "0", second child node "1", etc.
If you have sub-transform of a child write accordingly "0|0" etc.

William S. Martin Jr. (nitrodad1115) 29.01.2021 21:48
thank you for replying.. i have the main T group as TWDoor01 as the on create transform node the trigger is one under that and the door is one under that. i thought the correct nodes was 0|1 and 0|2 but ive tried several different sequences none work.. <animatedObject index="TWDoor01">
<animation duration="2">
<part node="0|2"> <!--index of Door node-->
<keyFrame time="0" rotation="0 0 0" />
<keyFrame time="1" rotation="0 90 0" />
<controls triggerNode="0|1" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openDoor" negText="action_closeDoor" />
<moving file="maps/sounds/houseDoor.wav" loops="0" linkNode="0|2" volume="0.3" radius="25" innerRadius="3" fadeOut="0.25"/>

the triigger index in GE is 10>12|21|0|10|1|0 the door is 10>12|21|0|10|1|1

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 29.01.2021 22:16
That's wrong.
Like I told above, the transform group with user attribute "onCreate.." must be parent of all other animation parts.
First child with the trigger is then
<controls triggerNode="0"
and the door
<part node="1" ..
or accordingly the order in your i3d structure.

Take an existing working animatedObject as reference.

Sidenote: be aware that animated(Map)Object work only if you own the farmland below.

William S. Martin Jr. (nitrodad1115) 29.01.2021 22:45
I used a working door from another model of mine as a reference didnt change the structure at all and thought it would just work without issues.. thats why im so .. "TWDoor01" is the parent and is the one with the onCreate attribute assigned . so is the proper nodes for the xml just "0" and"1"or is it "0|1" "0|0"? also i have gates on map that work and I dont own the land underneath it.. havnt even painted the farm land yet..

William S. Martin Jr. (nitrodad1115) 29.01.2021 22:50
I used a working door from another model of mine as a reference didnt change the structure at all and thought it would just work without issues.. thats why im so .. "TWDoor01" is the parent and is the one with the onCreate attribute assigned . so is the proper nodes for the xml just "0" and"1"or is it "0|1" "0|0"? also i have gates on map that work and I dont own the land underneath it.. havnt even painted the farm land yet..

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 29.01.2021 23:01
Why do you ask once more again? I've told you above what to use.

If there's no farmland assigned, it's assumed as general, no owner. In this case it works.

William S. Martin Jr. (nitrodad1115) 29.01.2021 23:38
I asked again because every animated object index i looked at , as you suggested, had 2 numbers in the index never just 1 so i was just trying to verify the correct answer.. doors working now. This is my first attempt at doing animation So i appreciate the help.. thank you.. sorry if i upset you.. have a great day..

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