Map Won't load

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created31.01.2021 23:15

David Morton (Unknown) 31.01.2021 23:15
I've followed several tutorials to the letter and still can't get my map to load. I imported sample map 2 into the editor, removed everything except start point and terrain like instructed through several tutorials. Map will not load. any suggestions?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 01.02.2021 03:30
You have obviously missed some essential guides.
The i3d is not playable immediately as game map. It needs a bunch of additional files.
Easiest way for beginners is the GE menu Files -> new mod from game. This creates all required files for playable maps/vehicles from game default files.
All you need is some minor completion in the "modDesc.xml".
And due to a bug you must change in "defaultItems.xml" and "defaultVehicles.xml" all filename="$data/ to filename="data/

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