Vehicle Sounds

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created04.02.2021 21:54

Ross Bowden (rossnmods) (rdbbowen) 04.02.2021 21:54
Hi, I am having trouble with some custom vehicle sounds, I get a gap between start and idle. Idle loops seamlessly, starts and ends at 0 and neither have gaps in the audio track. If I replace the idle with a stock one it seems to work, any suggestions?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.02.2021 00:47
I had similar issues in the past, like gaps or disturbing "toc" peaks between audio tracks.
Overworked some files with a sound editor, I have used "Audacity". It has endless features for optimizing a track.
But sorry, too long ago, don't remember anymore what I've done in detail. Well, lastly I've fiddled around until it was right. ;)

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