Attachment process for tractor ‘decks’.

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created06.02.2021 20:10

Andrew Phillips (Unknown) 06.02.2021 20:10

So some tractors eg MB Trac, MF1250, JCB fast track etc have platforms where sprayers, spreaders or tanks/ hoppers for those .
See the JCB/ Landsman spray mod , not that it send to work , or the Terragator.

I want to take a simple generic sprayer and reposition it to sit on the deck, preferably keeping the rear 3 point linkage available.

What should I be looking for, key words, in the code and on tractor or sprayer to start playing with the attachment point, ? I’ve looked at existing saddle tanks that fit on a MB but not apparent to me.

Any thoughts on this or other advice?


Andrew Phillips (Unknown) 06.02.2021 20:18
This is what I’m trying to get to. A Knight sprayer in this case.

Jefferson Larue (silver) 15.03.2021 08:00
I would suggest you add a "trailer hitch" to your tractor on the deck and transform that of your implement into a trailer attacherjoint

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