Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 08.02.2021 17:47 |
Peter Jones (Bair410) | 08.02.2021 17:47 |
I'm trying to insert a silo mod FS19_Multi silo via GE ,but everytime I keep seeing the visible load triggers (grey cone). I've tried a straight forward placing the mod in the farm file before zipping it and placing the whole thing in my Mod folder and I've also tried to alter the .xml file. I'm thinking that by putting the mod into the farms field and then zipping it before transfering the whole thing into the mods file in the game that this is totally incorrect and that it may have something to do with the actual xml. file. I've tried a few ways, but am thinking I'm getting it wrong somewhere. I've made it a placeable and tried a few options, but each time it doesn't show in the map. This is the additional line I have added to the Modmap.xml <item className="placeable" filename="$moddir$FS19_MultiSilo/multiSilo.xml" position="-1042.39001465 -22.13190079 -949.14599609" rotation="0 0 0" defaultFarmProperty="false" farmId="1" /> And this is the silo .xml This is the xml from the silo: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <placeable> <storeData> <name> <en>Multi Silo</en> <de>Multi Silo</de> </name> <functions> <function> <en>This is a Small Multi Silo Shop! For all you need to plant your crops, plus you get free delivery!</en> <de>Dies ist ein kleiner Multi Silo Shop! Für alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre Ernten zu pflanzen, und Erhalten Sie kostenlose Lieferung!</de> </function> </functions> <image></image> <price>6000</price> <lifetime>1000</lifetime> <dailyUpkeep>10</dailyUpkeep> <rotation>0</rotation> <brand>Lizard</brand> <species>placeable</species> <category>placeableMisc</category> <vertexBufferMemoryUsage>909992</vertexBufferMemoryUsage> <indexBufferMemoryUsage>210924</indexBufferMemoryUsage> <textureMemoryUsage>4369184</textureMemoryUsage> <instanceVertexBufferMemoryUsage>0</instanceVertexBufferMemoryUsage> <instanceIndexBufferMemoryUsage>0</instanceIndexBufferMemoryUsage> </storeData> <placeableType>buyingStation</placeableType> <filename>multiSilo.i3d</filename> <placement testSizeX="4" testSizeZ="9" sizeX="4" sizeZ="9" useRandomYRotation="false" useManualYRotation="true"/> <clearAreas> <clearArea startNode="8|0" widthNode="8|0|0" heightNode="8|0|1"/> </clearAreas> <leveling requireLeveling="true" maxSmoothDistance="5" maxSlope="30" maxEdgeAngle="20"> <levelAreas> <levelArea startNode="8|0" widthNode="8|0|0" heightNode="8|0|1"/> </levelAreas> </leveling> <tipOcclusionUpdateArea sizeX="9" sizeZ="9"/> <buyingStation stationName="Multi Silo Shop" appearsOnPDA="false" storageRadius="0" fillSoundIdentifier="fillSound01"> <loadTrigger triggerNode="7|0|0|0" fillLitersPerSecond="2000" dischargeNode="7|0|0|1"> <effectNode effectClass="PipeEffect" effectNode="7|0|0|2|0" materialType="pipe" materialTypeId="1" fadeTime="0.5" maxBending="0" controlPoint="6.5 0 0 0"/> <effectNode effectNode="7|0|0|2|1" materialType="smoke" materialTypeId="1" fadeTime="0.5"/> </loadTrigger> <fillType name="seeds" priceScale=".05"/> <fillType name="lime" priceScale=".05"/> <fillType name="Fertilizer" priceScale=".05"/> </buyingStation> </placeable> |
Boris Klinko (Boris555) | 08.02.2021 19:04 |
Hello, problem is not xml, but placeable. You need to edit the multiSilo.i3d in GE and uncheck the visible checkbox of the trigger and effect. Here are two good tutorials for placeables mechanics and those two channels have plenty of intersting video for FS19 modding. |
Noah Gransee (Unknown) | 10.02.2021 19:29 |
The </loadTrigger> closing element might need to follow directly after the opening element... |
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