Problem with windshield wiper in my mod... How can I solve it?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created06.03.2021 07:42

Paulo Ricardo Bueno Branquinho (prbueno) 06.03.2021 07:42
Hi guys, I recently started creating and editing mods and I still don't have much experience with the Giants Editor, and today I came across a problem with a mod I was editing, in this case an AGCO Ideal harvester.

One of the windshield wiper arms is totally out of the references and is moving outside the normal limits (I will leave the YouTube link for the video I made showing the problem)

And I would like to know if anyone could give me some tips or guidance on how to fix this problem so that my harvester can have a windshield wiper working in its normal course and within the real limits lol

I will be very grateful for the help :)

Here is the link to the video illustrating the problem on YouTube >>>>

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 06.03.2021 14:49
Without seeing the vehicle i3d and xml I'd guess the node/s for the wiper/s are wrong. Or the rotating nodes have wrong orientation or translation.
Compare the mod carefully with a default vehicle i3d and xml section <wipers> and associated <animations>.

Paulo Ricardo Bueno Branquinho (prbueno) 07.03.2021 05:28
Hi Bilbo,

I followed some of those steps that you suggested and compared the id3 file I was working to the vehicle's default id3 file in the game's root folder and it was just the nodes of the wipers that were with the wrong references as you imagined.

After some adjustments everything worked perfectly and I was finally satisfied with the result lol

Thank you very much for the suggestions and help Bilbo :)

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