Where to find XML files parameter explanation?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created18.04.2021 03:38

KoreyPell 18.04.2021 03:38

I want to modify some existed mods, aimed to increase speed, capacity etc.

But I can't find any explanation about vehicles XML parameters on GDN; for example, "brakeForce" "normRpm" "fillUnit" etc.

I tried to search on GDN, but it gives me only script relative results, and I don't need to write any scripts, just edit XMLs.

Where can I find the explanation for XML files?


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.04.2021 13:08
Most of the variables are self-explanatory by name, label.
Otherwise you need to understand some LUA to find out more functions in the scripts: Documentation/LUADOC.
There you can also see which XML parameters are read at all. This is done in the 'load()' or 'onLoad()' functions.

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