wheel settings and position problem

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created26.05.2021 19:15

Nico Görner (Unknown) 26.05.2021 19:15
Hello Guys

can anyone tell why i change the position from wheels but ingame are no change.
And my other Problem How can I turn a wheel into a driven wheel

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 26.05.2021 21:35
Probably you have moved the wrong transforms.
The wheel index is determined in <physics .. driveNode=..
This can be a label defined in <i3dMappings> or a direct index like eg. "1>0|0|0"
If you don't notice changes in game, you have perhaps the mod double in mod folder: zipped and unzipped.

Driven wheels must be defined in the section <differentialConfiguration>.

Nico Görner (Unknown) 26.05.2021 22:12
thank you man

i can move the other wheels without problems but the dual tires not move

<wheelConfiguration name="steering" price="0" brand="TRELLEBORG">
<wheels autoRotateBackSpeed="2.2" differentialIndex="1">
<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="truck1" isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true">
<physics rotSpeed="1" restLoad="1.9" repr="axisFrontLeft" driveNode="wheelFrontLeft" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="25" suspTravel="0.11" spring="66" damper="50" frictionScale="3"/>
<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="truck1" isLeft="false" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true">
<physics rotSpeed="1" restLoad="1.9" repr="axisFrontRight" driveNode="wheelFrontRight" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="25" suspTravel="0.11" spring="66" damper="50" frictionScale="3"/>
<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="truck1" isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics rotSpeed="0.3" restLoad="1.6" repr="axisFrontLeft1" driveNode="wheelBackLeft1steer" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="15" suspTravel="0.14" spring="49" damper="40" frictionScale="2" mass="0.33" />

<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="truck1" isLeft="false" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics rotSpeed="0.3" restLoad="1.6" repr="axisFrontRight1" driveNode="wheelBackRight1steer" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="15" suspTravel="0.14" spring="49" damper="40" frictionScale="2" mass="0.33" />

<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="dual" isLeft="true" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics rotSpeed="0" restLoad="1.6" repr="wheelBackLeft" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="15" suspTravel="0.14" spring="49" damper="40" frictionScale="2" mass="0.33" />

<wheel filename="$data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TwinRadial/500_60R22_5.xml" configId="dual" isLeft="false" hasTireTracks="true" hasParticles="true" >
<physics rotSpeed="0" restLoad="1.6" repr="wheelBackRight" forcePointRatio="0.85" initialCompression="15" suspTravel="0.14" spring="49" damper="40" frictionScale="2" mass="0.33" />

<objectChange node="wheelBackLeft1steer" translationActive="0.109 0 0" />
<objectChange node="wheelBackRight1steer" translationActive="-0.109 0 0" />
<objectChange node="wheelBackLeft" translationActive="0.786 0.55 -3.734" />
<objectChange node="wheelBackRight" translationActive="-0.786 0.55 -3.734" />

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 26.05.2021 23:09
In this case the positions in i3d are overwritten by the entries
<objectChange node=".." translationActive="x y z" />
That means, you must also adapt the x,y,z values accordingly.

Nico Görner (Unknown) 26.05.2021 23:27
the crazy thing is the wheels where i only can`t reposition are the wheelBackLeft and wheelBackRight

Ticho / Drewcz (drewCZ) 22.06.2021 13:53
Hi guys, I have one more question about ackermannSteeringConfigurations.
Why is in a mod more than one definition? How it works?

<ackermannSteering rotSpeed="40" rotMax="39" rotCenterWheel1="3" rotCenterWheel2="4" />
<ackermannSteering rotSpeed="40" rotMax="36" rotCenterWheel1="3" rotCenterWheel2="4" />
<ackermannSteering rotSpeed="40" rotMax="33" rotCenterWheel1="3" rotCenterWheel2="4" />

Thank you.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 22.06.2021 14:17
The <wheelConfigurations> allow different ackermannSteering.
<wheels .. ackermannSteeringIndex=..
By default the index is 1.

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