lock one sellpoint for missions

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.06.2021 10:33

Andreas Thumberger (anthu) 29.06.2021 10:33
hello guys
is it possible for me, to lock one sellpoint for missions?
so how giants did it on Erlengrat in the sellpoint TrainFelsbrunn.
what must i do for this?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 29.06.2021 18:24
Look into the selling station specific xml file.
Accepted are only the <sellingStation> <fillType> - also for field missions.

Andreas Thumberger (anthu) 30.06.2021 08:04
here is the boatUnlaodingStation.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>

<placement testSizeX="1" testSizeZ="1" sizeX="1" sizeZ="1" useRandomYRotation="false" useManualYRotation="true" />

<sellingStation stationName="$l10n_boatUnloadingStation" appearsOnPDA="true" storageRadius="0" litersForFullPriceDrop="100000" fullPriceRecoverHours="48" hotspotTextOffset="0px 34px">
<unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="0|0" baleTriggerNode="0|1" />
<fillType name="potato" priceScale="2" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="sugarBeet" priceScale="2" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="sugarCane" priceScale="2" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="wool" priceScale="2" supportsGreatDemand="true" disablePriceDrop="false" />

where i must insert this?

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