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CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created08.07.2021 01:42

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 08.07.2021 01:42
After add few fruits in my map and editing the materialHolder.I3D necessary everything is good harves seweing transport except fpr fruit like carrots onion does I need to download a modify equipmentto work


Do i need to edit a xml file somewhere?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 08.07.2021 04:06
The fillTypeCategory FARMSILO is (just as the name says) for storages only.
However many silos use instead <storage fillTypeCategories="FARMSILO" a dedicated list <storage fillTypes="..." where you must add the new fillTypes.

For transport trailers is used almost always the fillTypeCategory BULK. Also here you must add the new fillTypes.
Case necessary change also the common fillTypeCategories AUGERWAGON, LOADINGVEHICLE, TRAINWAGON, etc.

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 08.07.2021 21:14
I resume in "maps_fillTypes.xml" line "FARMSILO" my new fruits is add in that line after default one like you see immy firs post
When I start the game in log.txt those warning appear

2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'MILLET' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'HOPS' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'REDCABBAGE' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'CARROT' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'POPPY' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'CABBAGE' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'ONION' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'RYE' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'SPELT' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'LETTUCE' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'CLOVER' not supported by Storage storageFarm
2021-07-08 13:26 Warning: Filltype 'TOBACCO' not supported by Storage storageFarm

but all bulk combine sewer etc works great
to resolve to this problem I edit "farmSiloLarge.xml" located in steam/steamapps/common/fs19/data/placeables/farmSilos
it's temporary solution
How solve that Do I need to create new folder in my game or somethings is bad in my maps like missing edit somewhere

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 08.07.2021 22:29
You should NEVER edit the original install files. This disables multiplay, can cause general compatibility problems and is anyways lost on a game update.

You need to create custom silos in your modmap folder 'placeables', where you can adapt them to your map. Then exchange the silos in "defaultItems.xml" with your custom ones. See for example modmaps with custom fruits.

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 09.07.2021 03:45
Edit original install files do backup before and test after I'm sure where is problem restore original file and it's ok

My map is Ravenport copy with placeables silo install from GE when Extraxt file you tell me to replace $data by data in defauleitems and defaultvehicles.xml

Do I need to remove silo from GE in my map
When edit a custom silo what I need to change in the file name function station name im lost a bit

remember in old version of FS open I3d map and edit silos himself think I need good tutorial

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 09.07.2021 11:39
You don't need to change anything in the map.i3d.

- Edit the "defaultItems.xml":
Search for {className="SiloPlaceable"}, you'll find 3 items. Copy the 3 associated xml files from install datas into your modmap folder "placeables". Then edit the 3 {filename="data/placeables/..} so they point now to your modmap folder {filename="placeables/..}, pay attention to right path hierarchy.

- Edit the 3 copied xml files:
Add in {<storage fillTypes=..} the new fillTypes.
Alternatively you can replace {<storage fillTypes=..} with {<storage fillTypeCategories="FARMSILO"}

- Edit the "modDesc.xml":
To get the 3 new placeables accepted, you must add them in
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/.." />

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 10.07.2021 23:59
Found 3 {className="SiloPlaceable"} in my "mod_map" "defaultItems.xml"


Use only farmSiloLarge.xml for now
Edit what you wrote but for works in defaultItems.xml I need to wrote ($mapdir$) like this

<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/placeables/farmSiloLarge.xml" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

my 12 new fruits is accepted in silo now without problem but missing textures for sellingStationGeneric it's all white but silo is ok
how solve that maybe add in defaulttem.xml sellingStationGeneric

in log.txt (11) is (Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Camber/Documents/MyGames/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/maps/textures/shared/warningStripes_diffuse.png'.)

try to add to my map keepingthe same paths nothing happen

Already put 12 fruits in my mapnow all system work "cutterEffect_materialHolder" "effect_materialHolder' 'fillPlane_materialHolder" and

If I would like another fruit that is not in those file do and came from another map how proceed?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 11.07.2021 06:10
Ah right, I've forgotten the leading $mapdir$

Concerning "Error: Can't load resource .."
You have an i3d in your map that wasn't exported properly. Either with wrong options or simply copied.
So there's now in i3d a filename="../../maps/textures/shared/warningStripes_diffuse.png"
To identify the i3d, use Notepad++ "search in files".
Then export the i3d once again or edit manually filename="$data/maps/textures/shared/warningStripes_diffuse.png"

If you have custom selling station i3d's in your map, you cannot simply copy them from game install. They must be exported properly for right filepaths.

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 12.07.2021 06:41
textures is ok now change path inside "farmSiloLargeI3d"

in my map I have add 12 fruit all works well

I would like add more but from another map (FS19_Riccis_Prairies)
for the first step of adding in GE it's ok new fruit is cranberry

but how proceed to edd for the animation in those folder

if you get a place to find detailled turorial for solve that will be appreciate


do i need to import create seperatly or something else

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 12.07.2021 07:05
I have not yet seen a detailed and beginner-friendly tutorial.
You will find many hints by search for "fs19 materialholder".
Best is of course if you examine and understand the structure of a materialHolder and how it works. Then you will be able to change or extend a present materialHolder by xml edits.

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 13.07.2021 01:56
ok make few save of my map mod and try

for my new fruits add i'm try to add french language like that adding line in "modDesc.xml" of my map

<text name="hops">
don't work no error in log miss a "xml" or "lua"

I tell you FS19 is more touched than 15 or 17 to make modifications
if I searh for totorial for them is similar?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 14.07.2021 02:13
Concerning translations you must heed that often the xml attribute name="..." is used as internal LUA table index, not for translations.
If you look at the "fillTypes.xml" these have eg. <fillType name="WHEAT" title="$l10n_fillType_wheat" .. , so you must use this 'title' for translations. So it has to be <text name="fillType_wheat">

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 14.07.2021 07:23
thaks for the language change very easy

All materialHolde work except for one

inside effect_materialHolderin GE we ave few section in pipe I export like other one only the fruit needed
in harvester the pipe inside to fill combine is ok but the one external to fill trailer no pipe particle
you have an idea why or i forget one to export

in the map where the crops come the pipe works miss something but.....

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 14.07.2021 09:58
In most combines the grain tank effect is of type "unloading", the overload pipe effect of type "pipe".
So I'd guess you have forgotten in materialHolder/pipe/{name} to assign the right user attribute fillType:{name}.
Or there's something wrong with the assigned material. Check in GE window "material edit".

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 15.07.2021 03:23
thanks just learn more the effects_materialHolder contents
my last fruit add is cranberry just uninstall all carnberry in and reinstall now all works

thanks a lot

How many crops is it possible to add in my map? now I have 13 extrafruits

And second thimg I need to add selling points
How fruits in an existing point and is it better to add in GE directy
if you know tutorial i'm ready for it

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 15.07.2021 08:36
By default a map may have upto 31 foliages for fruits and deco.
Also there's a limit for amount of fillTypes and heap types (terrainDetailHeight).
Though one can increase this limits, it requires enhanced knowledge of FS engine and scripts.

Selling stations are inserted by the "defaultItems.xml".
To make your custom stations, copy the related station xml into your map's folder placeables where you can edit it according your needs.
In the defaultItems you change the station's path filename="data/placeables/ to filename="$mapdir$/placeables/
In the "modDesc.xml" you must add the stations to <shopItems>.
Espec. pay attention to right path hierarchy.

Examine some mod maps with extra fruits to see how it works.

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 18.07.2021 19:20
Ok Takepause 2 days now restart my map

My map is copy of Ravenport make with export map
adding 14 fruits for now

Try to adding fruit in existing selling olace (grainSiloCentral)

<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/farmSiloLarge.xml"/> work well
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/grainSiloCentral.xml"/>
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/grainSiloRailroad01.xml"/> not add
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/grainSiloRailroad02.xml"/> not add

in "grainSiloCentral" edit path like my "farmSiloLarge" same path

no error in log.txt thats mean the game load default one

may be it's not store items or it will be easier to import custom selling place

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 19.07.2021 02:14
That's why I said: "pay attention to right path hierarchy".
Quite sure the path in defaultItems is wrong.

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