more more fruits

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created27.07.2021 04:08

Pierre Payette (camberman53) 27.07.2021 04:08
I create my map based on the US map Ravenport
all silo and selling are set properly and works well

adding until now 20 additionnal fruits after editing channel density terrain etc and rebuit gdm

every fruits is harvesting capable no errors except one for clover_mindrow but no impact for my game

Now i'm trying another one on the fruit type page 3 fifth one (pea)

In GE editor every thing are ok but when start my game all my fruit dissapear stay only default one
I'm using "easyDevControls" all cropi is there except for planting field

Error: ,,/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Ferme_Camber/maps/maps_fruitTypes.xml. fruitType (why after xml)
Error: ..//My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Ferme_Camber/maps/maps_densityMapHeightTypes.xml. densityMapHeightTypes.

this line appear : "2021-07-26 22:02 "Disabled withering" and after (what mean this messsage)

lower in log text message said: Warning: Unknown fruitType 'millet' for MaterialUtil.onCreateCutterEffect all fruit have 3 message except one from earth "carrot, onion, lettuce,cabbage,redcabbage peanut no message for them

all fruits is loading perfectly

my solution for a try is remove my las add "pea" for try another one not sure is solving something


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.07.2021 14:23
The message "Disabled withering" is nothing else than notifying your game settings.

When adding extra fruits you must heed the limitation of max. 31 foliage types in i3d (incl. deco foliage).
More fruits need adaption of fruit channels in i3d and an extra script.

Obviously there's an error in your "fruitTypes.xml" - an invalid fruitType tag. That maybe a syntax error upto wrong attribute.
Check the xml syntax eg. with Notepad++ plugin (XML Tools).

Same with "densityMapHeightTypes.xml".

But maybe also the errors come from exceeding the 31 foliage limit.

The "Warning: Unknown fruitType 'millet' for MaterialUtil.onCreateCutterEffect" should be self-explanatory.

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