Combine Header Reel speed

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created29.07.2021 18:38

Jonas Graulund Hansen (Traktorjonas) 29.07.2021 18:38
Hello there, can i, in an easy way, set the reel speed of a header to match the speed going forward?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 31.07.2021 13:46
Not sure, perhaps it works with a <dashboards> animation, basically
<dashboard displayType="ANIMATION" valueType="speed" animName="headerAnim" ..

Jonas Graulund Hansen (Traktorjonas) 03.08.2021 23:42
Tho the reel is not part of the animation but in animationnodes.... any ideas?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 04.08.2021 00:43
Not clear? Of course you have to disable the old animation in <cutter> and create your new one in <animations>.

Jonas Graulund Hansen (Traktorjonas) 07.08.2021 23:53
Now Im with u - but this is writing in all the standard items that is Display type animation and valuetype speed - groups="MOTOR_ACTIVE"
But since its not on the motor vehicle... anything i should replace it with, i find only back attachment and frontattachment...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 08.08.2021 02:45
The method with dashboard will only work on compact all-in-one combines.
But if the header/cutter is a separate, attachable tool it will not work.
In this case there is no easy way, only by a custom script.

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