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weeder converted to sprayer wont 'turn on'

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created04.08.2021 05:24

Johnathan Davis (jagsta21) 04.08.2021 05:24
I have a weeder i changed to a sprayer and added a hitch. i cannot get it to 'turn on' in game do i need to add a specialization other than the vehicle type of sprayer? to i need to add something else in mod.xml? i have compared the mod.xml to another 3 point sprayer and con't find anything that looks too different.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 04.08.2021 07:12
Probably you have forgotten the xml section <turnOnVehicle>.

Johnathan Davis (jagsta21) 04.08.2021 22:29
i have added
<turnOnVehicle turnOffIfNotAllowed="true" >
<work template="DEFAULT_SPRAYER" linkNode="0>"/>
to the mod.xml and still don't have a 'turn on' option. do i need to add something to moddesc.xml?

Johnathan Davis (jagsta21) 04.08.2021 22:29
i have added
<turnOnVehicle turnOffIfNotAllowed="true" >
<work template="DEFAULT_SPRAYER" linkNode="0>"/>
to the mod.xml and still don't have a 'turn on' option. do i need to add something to moddesc.xml?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 04.08.2021 23:48
Sorry, I'm no clairvoyant and can't see your xml's.
So far I can only recommand to take a default sprayer as example and compare step-for-step the differences to your mod.
Anyway, alone by changing the <vehicleType> you'll get it barely working. There might be missing something, or maybe remaining xml tags from previous vehicleType which inhibit 'turnOnVehicle'.

Also don't forget to look into game log for possible errors.

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