Mountains Disappearing when turning

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created05.08.2021 00:07

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 05.08.2021 00:07
In my modMap, I have mountains in the distance. I have CLIP Distances set to 1000000. Attributes are all correct yet when driving a vehicle and turning the view they disappear. It seems related to the vehicle exhaust. Either way no matter what I do I have not been able to solve this. The textures are custom and they have a normal map. I have duplicated the parameters from the default maps mountains and no change. Any thoughts what is causing this?

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 23.08.2021 07:33

Doesn't happen in the editor. Only in game. All attributes are correct. View distance set to maximum..Thoughts on why it only happens when turning view?

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 24.08.2021 07:20
It seems I have exceeded the max clip distance. Shame. It's a 4x map, the mountains placed further in the distance look really natural but there is not enough view distance.

Lucas Etzler (lje485) 06.04.2023 15:07
doug are you gonna bring delata to fs22? hands down best all around map

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 09.04.2023 06:35
Working on it as we speak

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