(map making) Sell points not showing up in prices tab

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created16.08.2021 02:49

Ramazan Yilmaz (Unknown) 16.08.2021 02:49
Sell points not showing up in prices tab
I see it on the map but it's not in the prices menu
can you help me

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.08.2021 04:02
SellingStations need a dedicated xml file and are inserted by the "defaultItems.xml" at game start. For examples see $data/placeables/mapDE|US.
If they don't appear in price table, you have made something wrong and there should be errors in the game log.
A very common error is wrong path of xml or i3d file for a custom sellingStation.

Ramazan Yilmaz (Unknown) 16.08.2021 14:02
like in the pictures where are the files error please help

Doug Williams (Dougw133) 16.08.2021 23:45
From your screenShots everything looks correct...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.08.2021 01:36
Did you check the game log? Why not?

1. The "defaultItems.xml" has some illegal paths. Replace all filename="$data/ with filename="data/ (delete the leading '$' char).

2. Check your sellingsStation.xml's for proper i3d path in <filename>. It must be relative to the map's root folder.

3. Don't use foreign special chars within xml code. This might confuse the xml parser, it expects plain ASCII only, no UTF chars. If you need special chars, use the "modDesc.xml" section <l10n> <text> for translations.

Ramazan Yilmaz (Unknown) 17.08.2021 14:47
How can I view the game log?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.08.2021 16:12
Instead posting and waiting for answer, a quick web search for "fs19 logfile" had told you:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator...\log.txt

%USERPROFILE% is your personal folder usually C:\Users\{USERNAME}
You can insert %USERPROFILE% directly in explorer window

Ramazan Yilmaz (Unknown) 17.08.2021 20:04 log file is here

I found the problem by trial and error. When I add the fields, the prices tab information is lost.

pictures in rar fileör_(2).rar.html

1st and 1-1. In the picture, the prices tab appears empty while the fields are attached.
When you remove the fields as in the 2nd picture, the prices tab appears as it should be, as in 2-2.

pls help me why prices tab doesn't work when i add fields.

Ramazan Yilmaz (Unknown) 17.08.2021 20:17 log file is here

I found the problem by trial and error. When I add the fields, the prices tab information is lost.

pictures in rar fileör_(2).rar.html

1st and 1-1. In the picture, the prices tab appears empty while the fields are attached.
When you remove the fields as in the 2nd picture, the prices tab appears as it should be, as in 2-2.

pls help me why prices tab doesn't work when i add fields.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.08.2021 21:58
There are 93 errors in the logfile!
Don't think things would work as expected if there are so much errors.
The sellingStations should be one of the last things to setup.
At first fix the errors with farmlands, this is needed for proper working of the stations.
Also I've told you about wrong paths in "defaultItems.xml". FIX IT! It effects also the sellingStations.

Fix all the errors until your log is clean. The messages give hints what's wrong. If you don't know something, google for the error message.

Also start a new game if you have changed something important. Don't continue a corrupt savegame!

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